17 May 2005

Apparently it's about being in the right place at the right time

Had it happened in Manhattan, on the US government's 'creativity' ear-marked dollar, it would have been celebrated as 'art' by those in-the-know, no?

But even if it did not happen in Cuba, on the US government's military ear-marked dollar, Newsweak will still report it as scandalous truth without fact-checking its sources.

Eh, it's only 17 dead and scores more injured. Why should a few casualties get in the way of using unsourced (inaccurate) information if it can help sully a Republican administration and its so-called war?

Urine-soaked crucifix; Koran in the toilet: Which one is 'art'? Which one may not have happened? Which one incites violence? Which one is celebrated as courageous?


At 5/30/2005 4:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Be careful on this one. Newsweak [sic] published a retraction and appology. Their mistake caused the deaths of 17. Have yet to see retraction and appology for 1) Iraq has 'nuculer' materials 2) WMD's 3) Mission Accomplished 4) Bringing freedom to Iraq, etc. I think those falsehoods caused somewhere in the neighborhood of, what....like 20 deaths or something, right? I'm certainly not supporting bad or lazy journalism, just warning you against the slippery slope that is created when you ignore a tumor and treat the symptoms.


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