Confabulation across the nation
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They clearly forgot facetiate (fah-see-shah-TAY), among others.
Lack of pretentiousness in an insincere or pretending manner
Politik, tivo love, country music, reality television, NASCAR, and other cautiously pessimistic, through-a-red-state-prism miscellanea
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...spare me ... who uses the word "confabulation" anymore? only someone who uses the word "odoriferous" and who loves pointing out all the "cosmic justice" in the world. yes ... indeed.
We were using it as an homage to an old friend in Boston. But, apparently 'anonymous' is unfamiliar with the psychological and brain sciences. We encourage you to check out the second Google entry for 'confabulation.' Leanring may occur, indeed.
As for 'cosmic justice,' check out the work from Thomas Sowell titled 'The Quest for Cosmic Justice.'
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